To remove the rack and pinion, park the vehicle with the front wheels straight, loosen the front wheel lug nuts, raise the front, and support it securely on jackstands. Apply the parking brake and remove the wheels, along with the engine under-covers if applicable. Place a drain pan under the rack and pinion, detach the power steering pressure and return lines, capping the ends to prevent fluid loss and contamination, using a flare-nut wrench to avoid damaging the fittings. Mark the relationship of the intermediate shaft to the steering shaft U-joint and remove the pinch bolt. Separate the tie-rod ends from the steering knuckle arms, remove the front section of the exhaust system, and support the engine from above with an engine support fixture or hoist, disconnecting the front and rear engine roll-stopper mounts while ensuring no part of the body is under the engine when supported only by a hoist. Use two floor jacks to support the subframe, removing all mounting bolts and lowering it for access to the rack and pinion mounting bolts, while separating the intermediate shaft U-joint from the rack and pinion input shaft. Disconnect the pressure and return lines from the rack and pinion, remove the rack and pinion mounting bolts, and maneuver the rack and pinion down and out, checking the mounting bushings for wear or deterioration. For installation, center the pinion of a new rack and pinion by counting the turns lock to lock, mount the rack and pinion to the subframe, install and torque the mounting bolts and nuts, connect the power steering hoses, raise the subframe, and connect the intermediate shaft U-joint to the steering input shaft, aligning the marks. Install and torque the subframe bolts, tighten the steering shaft U-joint pinch bolt, connect the tie-rod ends to the steering knuckle arms, and install new cotter pins. Complete the installation by reversing the removal steps, filling the power steering fluid reservoir with the recommended fluid, bleeding the power steering system, and having the alignment checked and adjusted if necessary.
Posted by KiaPartsNow Specialist