Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, placing the transmission in Neutral with the parking brake off, and block the wheels to prevent rolling. For the rear driveshaft on all 2009 and earlier models and 2011 and later 4WD models, make match marks on the driveshaft and differential flange to ensure proper reinstallation. Remove the bolts securing the flange yoke to the rear differential, using a backup wrench to hold each bolt. On two-piece driveshaft models, remove the bolts from the center support bearing. Lower the rear of the driveshaft, sliding the front out of the transmission on 2WD models or separating the flange at the transfer case on 4WD models, marking the relationship of the driveshaft U-joint flange yoke to the transfer case companion flange. For 2WD models, wrap a plastic bag over the transmission extension housing to prevent fluid loss and contamination. For installation, remove the plastic bag and clean the area, then slide the front of the driveshaft into the transmission for 2WD models or bolt the U-joint flange yoke to the companion flange for 4WD models, installing the fasteners finger-tight. Raise the center bearing into place and screw the retaining bolts in a few turns, then raise the rear of the driveshaft, ensuring the marks are aligned, and install the fasteners, tightening all to the specified torque. For the front driveshaft on 2009 and earlier 4WD models, support the transfer case with a floor jack and a block of wood, then remove the transmission cross member. Make match marks on the driveshaft and transfer case flange, then unscrew the bolts securing the flange yoke to the transfer case. Mark the relationship of the front CV joint to the front differential flange, unscrew the bolts, and remove the driveshaft. For installation, attach the front end of the driveshaft to the front differential companion flange and install the bolts finger-tight, extend or compress the driveshaft as necessary, attach the rear end to the transfer case flange, and install the bolts, tightening both front and rear flange bolts to the specified torque. Finally, install the cross member, remove the jackstands, and lower the vehicle.
Posted by KiaPartsNow Specialist