Before now, to change the engine, set it to TDC position for cylinder number 1 and unbolt the wire of the bad connection from the terminal of the battery before unbolting the valve cover. For year 1994 to 1997 models, take off the distributor and for the models of the year 1998 and above, take off the camshaft position sensor. Then, remove all the timing belt covers, timing belt and all or some of the camshaft sprockets depending on the design. Check the camshaft thrust clearance with a dial indicator; if the same is higher than the above mentioned limit, then replace the camshaft thrust plate, camshaft, or cylinder head may be required. As for further remarks referring to the 1.6L SOHC engines, it is necessary to make the following notes: The 1.6L SOHC engines use the rocker shaft and equipment called hydraulic lash adjusters, which helps avoid additional movements of valves after their installation. Paint or label components before they are taken off so that they can be refitted correctly, counter-clockwise torque the rocker arm bolts, then pull out the rocker arm and shaft assembly and set them aside. To pull the camshaft without involving the cylinder head, you need to remove the distributor, the air cleaner assembly, reposition the under hood fuse box and then pull it straight up to extract it / remove the oil seal. For DOHC engines, these use two overhead camshafts with hydraulic lash adjusters; marking and storage of the parts should be done correctly. The camshaft sprocket bolts and sprockets should be taken off. Disconnect the camshaft bearing cap bolts with equal delicacy so that there will be no binding. Providing identification marks, undo the bearing caps and draw out every valve lash adjuster and place them in different numbers of containers. Look for defects on all parts, use micrometer to measure the camshaft journals, and lobes, and check for the oil clearance by using Plastigage. Replace any worn components. To install the new camshaft, one should pour some clean engine oil on the new camshaft oil seal and the bearing journals and lubricate the camshaft lobes before fitting the camshaft and the thrust plate. Were hydraulic lash adjusters eliminated, refill the rocker arm cavity with oil and then reinsert the adjusters. Reassembly the rocker arm assembly, tighten the bolt in sequential numbers, then the camshaft sprocket and timing belt should be put back. For the 2.0L DOHC engine, carry out the following before and after installation of the camshaft and lash adjusters, lubricate the lash adjusters and the bearing journals of the camshaft. Ensure that the Mark 'A' aligns with mark 'A' when assembling the engine. Lash adjusters are available to adjust the valve clearances and the thickness of the shims must be measured so that it can be replaced by the new one with the standard specifications. Do the adjustment again and again until the clearances of other valves are within the predetermined level.
Posted by KiaPartsNow Specialist